Staying safe on social Network sites:

Limit the amount of personal information you post -.

Be aware of what you post online. Make sure that you do not information such as Address, phone number, and other personally identifiable information that would leave you in vulnerable position

Be wary of strangers-.

The internet crawls with may dangerous strangers, it is best to stay vigilant in such websites. Do not share any personal information with stranger whose identity is questionable or appears fake.

Evaluate Sites privacy settings-.

The default settings for some sites may allow anyone to see your profile, but you can customize your settings to restrict access to only certain people. There is still a risk that private information could be exposed despite these restrictions, so do not post anything that you would not want the public to see. Sites may change their options periodically, so review your security and privacy settings regularly to make sure that your choices are still appropriate.

Use Strong Password-.

Protect your account with passwords that cannot easily be guessed. It is a best practice to have strong passwords which is of:

  •  Minimum of 8-40 character length
  •  Has both uppercase and lowercase character with one special character and digits

Keep Software updated and use Anti-virus software-.

We should install software updates so that attackers cannot take advantage of known problems or vulnerabilities. Also it is advisable to have updated anti-virus software installed in our system which will help us detect and protect against virus attacks.